The competition for the most beautiful cakes is a highlight of the ball each and every year. At the 120th ZuckerBäckerball on 13 January 2023, the Hofburg in Vienna will host the 13th edition of this creative cake competition.

As in previous years, the showpieces of the most creative confectioners and the most talented apprentices in the country are displayed in the foyer of the Hofburg. The jury can also be seen live tasting and rating the beautiful pastries.

Once again, the titles "Vienna Cake Master 2023" and for the apprentices "Vienna Junior Cake Master 2023" will be up for grabs.

The theme for the 13th Zuckerbäcker Awards 2020 is NOT YET PUBLISHED.

Honorary Vice Consul and PR Officer, Birgit Sarata, is particularly pleased: "The cake show is always fantastic. The ball guests come in large numbers to check out the amazing cakes and creations on offer. The amazing apprentices will be honoured in a separate competition. And with prize money to be won there is a lot on the line - that's a great thing!"

Click through the gallery of the Zuckerbäcker Award from the previous year: